Saturday, April 21, 2012

The first blog

So, here is goes, my first blog. There are so many things I can't wait to write about and yet nothing is coming to me now. Could I already have writer's block? Or would that be blogger's block?
Anyway, I truly love the idea of starting a blog for the main reason that my children will one day be able to go back and read this like a diary of sorts. How amazing would it have been if our great grandparents would have had this technology way back when? Think of all the things we could have learned from them. All the stories we could have had richer details about. Like the wars and the way they had to do things. I know we have text books but this would have been their day to day accounts of life. I seriously think something like that would have amazing.
Some of the many things I plan on blogging about (other than my daily crazy life) are craft ideas and hair care and beauty tips (I am a hair stylist after all, it's kinda my duty).
Today we celebrated my baby's first birthday even though she won't "offically" be one till next Wednesday. It has been an incredible year and it's such a bittersweet moment. I'm sad to see it go since we don't plan on having anymore but it was so rough I'm kinda glad its over. She is seriously such a precious and loving baby and I can't wait to watch her grow into a full grown toddler. Having two girls is so amazing. Coming from being an only child it is so precious to see the relationship they have and to know that it will just continue to grow. It's such a beautiful thing to see the love they have for each, being a parent is such a precious gift. And now that I'm getting all mushy I'll sign out and see y'all later gators!


  1. aww i'm so glad your blogging! :) cute name too!

  2. You were all made for each other. If I could give the "best parents in the world" award - and the best two people - I would!! Great first blog sweet pea ;)
